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The following questions and topics will be covered in this presentation.
1) True or False: As a partial mu agonist, Buprenorphine is considered a weak opioid.
2) Which of the following daily buprenorphine doses is the most correct target for a pt with h/o fentanyl abuse?
a. 8mg/day
b. 16mg/day
c. 24mg/day
d. 32mg/day
3) Which of the following is a reasonable starting dose of Suboxone for a patient buying illicit hydrocodone 10mg/day daily for “years” {home induction}?
a. 8/2mg SL TID
b. 4/1mg SL x 1 and monitor COWS for potential re-redose within 90min
c. 2/0.5mg SL q6h
d. 8/2mg SL q6h
4) A patient transition of oxy/apap 5/325 bid to chronic buprenrophine product could be started on which of the following?
a. butrans patch 20mcg/hr weekly
b. butrans patch 5mcg/hr weekly
c. belbuca 150mcg bucc BID
d. belbuca 75mcg bucc BID
e. a&c
f. b&d
5) True or False: There is a ceiling effect for buprenorphine’s pain efficacy