Opioid Stewardship Across the Continuum of Care

Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD, MA, MDE, BCPS; Tanya Uritsky, PharmD; Kelly Mendoza, MS, PharmD, BCPS

In the presentation “Opioid Stewardship Across the Continuum of Care”, Dr. McPherson, Dr. Uritsky and Dr. Mendoza describe ways to measure success in opioid stewardship across four practice arenas – outpatient, inpatient, palliative care, and hospice. Additionally, they discuss examples of best practices as part of opioid stewardship as well as recognizing/exposing the barriers to implementing opioid stewardship.

Handouts of Slides:

icoo.20.pp.0091 Opioid Stewardship Across the Continuum of Care Handouts